In my search to look for some kind of antenna that would have the turning capability to null out the noise, have some gain and not take up too much room I came across some information on using Hamsticks in a dipole configuration. I have seen some Ham Radio Operators take Hamstick Antennas
for various frequencies and make a dipole antenna out of them. I like the idea due to the fact that they do not take up a lot of room. They also seem to break down pretty easy. This would be very helpful if I were camping, so I could make a fast set up and get some decent responses from it. From
what I have read they seem to work pretty good. I have also seen some
where they use four or more to design a two element to four element beam
antenna. There are different brands besides hamsticks by Lakeview
Company. There are also antennas like these made by Jetstream and MFJ.
These would only be fore the Ham Radio Frequencies.
I would definitely suggest to use a fiberglass mobile antenna for this kind of dipole or beam antenna. All of
the mobile antennas have different ways of tuning the antenna. If a desired swr reading
is not obtained, I would try using an antenna tuner. The lower cost
brands seem to be MFJ or Vectronics. There are many different dealers or
resellers on the internet. If you looking into that choice I would
check on . I have used them many times and saved myself lots of headaches.