Thursday, October 31, 2019

Don't Hate Me - CB Radio Isn't Dead - It's Just Sleeping !

Click Here To Check Out This CB Radio New Base
Galaxy DX 2547 AM / SSB Base

 The CB Radio Hobby is pretty quiet these days. Yes those days back in the 70s when it seemed as though everyone was on the air has died off. There are still CB Radio operators out there shooting skip. Yes when the skip rolls in they all come along right with it. I live fairly close to the thruway and I listen to the truck drivers as they chatter back and forth.

 Today I spend most of my time on the computer working on a website or two. I just created this website CB Radio 123 to see if anyone is looking for a nice new or used cb radio or gear. Most of the time I am on the Ham Radio as I have my General Ham Radio License. I do have my CB Radio Bases and I fire them up and do some listening or copying the mail.

 Yes I have my Cobra 135 23 channel that was long ago converted to 40 channels. I also have a Cobra 142 GTL and my main Texas Ranger TR 696F-SSB Base. I use a IMAX 2000 Vertical that I use for CB and Ham. I still have my pdc meters, silver eagle and d104 power mics as well. As far as my Ham Radio goes, it is a Kewood TS 2000 HF, VHF, UHF all band radio and I love it.
 So if you love CB Radio and want to keep it going, visit my CB Radio Website and check it out.

Thank Your For Stopping By From Dan KC2YTI 73s from the Stormtrooper.

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